- 澳洲雪地靴品牌 特色服务:接受中国信用卡,不能直邮中国,全场免运费 直邮转运: 可转运 长期活动:
UGG是由澳大利亚的一名年轻冲浪员Brian Smith于1978年创立,从制作羊皮靴子、拖鞋、木底鞋到凉鞋,羊毛皮的材质决定了它保温、舒适和保持脚部干爽的特性。自2000年初期,UGG Australia开始掀起时尚界潮流,至今被誉为悠闲和奢华生活方式标志的品牌.
Our story begins with one magical material, sheepskin. The mastery of this distinctive material in the fine craft of boot and shoemaking is deeply ingrained in our rich history. By fashioning boots, shoes, sandals, and accessories from the finest available sheepskins, we deliver a luxurious comfort that escapes words and cannot be equaled by any ordinary material.