Chemist Direct
- 英国最大的网上药店 特色服务:全球直邮,英国满30欧元免运费 直邮转运: 可直邮、可转运、支付宝、微信、银联 长期活动:
Chemist Direct 是英国最大的网上药品商店,其售卖的商品包括各大 药房和超市所出售的药品、保健品、化妆品(有娇韵诗、欧莱雅、玉兰油、帕玛 氏、美宝莲等等)、母婴用品(有NUK、新安怡、好奇、英国牛栏、爱他美、智 高、施巴、DR Brown、喜宝、weleda 等等)、个人护理用品等等。价格合理、 产品安全。
Chemist Direct is one of the largest online pharmacies providing customers with affordable health and beauty products along with a huge range of wellbeing services, whilst giving tips and advice provided by our fully qualified in-house GP’s and pharmacists who can help customers with any queries regarding illness and medicines. With a huge selection of up to date products for customers to choose from, departments range from Healthcare to Fragrance and Beauty. Founded in 2008 the company has grown rapidly in recent years and now delivers to over one million customers all around the globe.